This game first I made about 10 years ago, open-source on github. At that time I learned pixi.js and use it made this my first game.

This year, I want to make some html game and try to publish them, so I pick up this one.

I changed most of original UI. Main charactor "Flying Piggy" is generated by Midjourney, and modify to simple animation.

What I love to make game is it's a combination of art & music & logic.So in this game, BGM wroten by myself, even it listend simple & easy, but I like it, becuz It made by me.

This game is pretend to upload to Crazygame, but been rejected.

I am making another game now, you can check on my projects.If you interested, please follow, Thanks.

Published 7 days ago
Made withPixiJS, Adobe Photoshop
Tags2D, Cute, Flappy Bird, Singleplayer
Code licenseMIT License
Average sessionA few seconds

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